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Arlon Design and Concepts

Management cluster

This Kubernetes cluster hosts the following components: - ArgoCD - Arlon - Cluster management stacks e.g. Cluster API and/or Crossplane

The Arlon state and controllers reside in the arlon namespace.

Configuration bundle

A configuration bundle (or just "bundle") is grouping of data files that produce a set of Kubernetes manifests via a tool. This closely follows ArgoCD's definition of tool types. Consequently, the list of supported bundle types mirrors ArgoCD's supported set of manifest-producing tools. Each bundle is defined using a Kubernetes ConfigMap resource in the arlo namespace. Additionally, a bundle can embed the data itself ("static bundle"), or contain a reference to the data ("dynamic bundle"). A reference can be a URL, github location, or Helm repo location. The current list of supported bundle types is:

  • manifest_inline: a single manifest yaml file embedded in the resource
  • manifest_ref: a reference to a single manifest yaml file
  • dir_inline: an embedded tarball that expands to a directory of YAML files
  • helm_inline: an embedded Helm chart package
  • helm_ref: an external reference to a Helm chart

Bundle purpose

Bundles can specify an optional purpose to help classify and organize them. In the future, Arlo may order bundle installation by purpose order (for e.g. install bundles with purpose=networking before others) but that is not the case today. The currenty suggested purpose values are: - networking - add-on - data-service - application

Cluster specification

A cluster specification contains desired settings when creating a new cluster. They currently include: - Stack: the cluster provisioning stack, for e.g. cluster-api or crossplane - Provider: the specific cluster management provider under that stack, if applicable. Example: for cluster-api, the possible values are eks and kubeadm - Other settings that specify the "shape" of the cluster, such as the size of the control plane and the initial number of nodes of the data plane. - The pod networking technology (under discussion: this may be moved to a bundle because most if not all CNI providers can be installed as manifests)


A profile expresses a desired configuration for a Kubernetes cluster. It is composed of - An optional Cluster Specification. If specified, it allows the profile to be used to create new clusters. If absent, the profile can only be applied to existing clusters. - A list of bundles specifying the configuration to apply onto the cluster once it is operational - An optional list of values.yaml settings for any Helm Chart type bundle in the bundle list

Cluster chart

The cluster chart is a Helm chart that creates (and optionally applies) the manifests necessary to create a cluster and deploy desired configurations and applications to it. When a user uses Arlon to create and configure a cluster, he or she specifies a profile. The profile's cluster specification, bundle list and other settings are used to generate values for the chart, and the chart is deployed as a Helm release into the arlo namespace in the management cluster.

Here is a summary of the kinds of resources generated and deployed by the chart: - A unique namespace with a name based on the cluster's name. All subsequent resources below are created inside of that namespace. - The stack-specific resources to create the cluster (for e.g. Cluster API resources) - A ClusterRegistration to automatically register the cluster with ArgoCD - A GitRepoDir to automatically create a git repo and/or directory to host a copy of the expanded bundles. Every bundle referenced by the profile is copied/unpacked into its own subdirectory. - One ArgoCD Application resource for each bundle.