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Arlon CLI downloads are provided on GitHub. The CLI is not a self-contained standalone executable though. It is required to point the CLI to a management cluster and set up the Arlon controller in this management cluster.

For a quickstart minimal demonstration setup, follow the instructions to set up a KIND based testbed with Arlon and ArgoCD running here.

Please follow the manual instructions in this section for a customised setup or refer the instructions for automated installation here.

Customised Setup

Management cluster

You can use any Kubernetes cluster that you have admin access to. Ensure:

  • kubectl is in your path
  • KUBECONFIG is pointing to the right file and the context set properly


  • Follow steps 1-4 of the ArgoCD installation guide to install ArgoCD onto your management cluster. After this step, you should be logged in as admin and a config file was created at ${HOME}/.config/argocd/config
  • Create your workspace repository in your git provider if necessary, then register it. Example: argocd repo add --username myname --password secret. -- Note: type argocd repo add --help to see all available options. -- For Arlon developers, this is not your fork of the Arlon source code repository, but a separate git repo where some artifacts like profiles created by Arlon will be stored.
  • Highly recommended: configure a webhook to immediately notify ArgoCD of changes to the repo. This will be especially useful during the tutorial. Without a webhook, repo changes may take up to 3 minutes to be detected, delaying cluster configuration updates.
  • Create a local user named arlon with the apiKey capability. This involves editing the argocd-cm ConfigMap using kubectl.
  • Adjust the RBAC settings to grant admin permissions to the arlon user. This involves editing the argocd-rbac-cm ConfigMap to add the entry g, arlon, role:admin under the policy.csv section. Example:
apiVersion: v1
  policy.csv: |
    g, arlon, role:admin
kind: ConfigMap
  • Generate an account token: argocd account generate-token --account arlon
  • Make a temporary copy of this config-file in /tmp/config then edit it to replace the value of auth-token with the token from the previous step. Save changes. This file will be used to configure the Arlon controller's ArgoCD credentials during the next steps.

Arlon controller

  • Create the arlon namespace: kubectl create ns arlon
  • Create the ArgoCD credentials secret from the temporary config file: kubectl -n arlon create secret generic argocd-creds --from-file /tmp/config
  • Delete the temporary config file
  • Clone the arlon git repo and cd to its top directory
  • Create the CRDs: kubectl apply -f config/crd/bases/
  • Deploy the controller: kubectl apply -f deploy/manifests/
  • Ensure the controller eventually enters the Running state: watch kubectl -n arlon get pod

Arlon CLI

Download the CLI for the latest release from GitHub. Currently, Linux and MacOS operating systems are supported. Uncompress the tarball, rename it as arlon and add to your PATH

Run arlon verify to check for prerequisites. Run arlon install to install any missing prerequisites.

The following instructions are to manually build CLI from this code repository.

Building the CLI

  • Clone this repository and pull the latest version of a branch (main by default)
  • From the top directory, run make build
  • Optionally create a symlink from a directory (e.g. /usr/local/bin) included in your ${PATH} to the bin/arlon binary to make it easy to invoke the command.

Cluster orchestration API providers

Arlon currently supports Cluster API on AWS cloud. It also has experimental support for Crossplane on AWS.

Cluster API

Using the Cluster API Quickstart Guide as reference, complete these steps:

  • Install clusterctl
  • Initialize the management cluster. In particular, follow instructions for your specific cloud provider (AWS in this example) Ensure clusterctl init completes successfully and produces the expected output.

Crossplane (experimental)

Using the Upbound AWS Reference Platform Quickstart Guide as reference, complete these steps:

You do not need to go any further, but you're welcome to try the Network Fabric example.

FYI: we noticed the dozens/hundreds of CRDs that Crossplane installs in the management cluster can noticeably slow down kubectl, and you may see a warning that looks like:

I0222 17:31:14.112689   27922 request.go:668] Waited for 1.046146023s due to client-side throttling, not priority and fairness, request: GET:

Automatic setup

Starting from version 0.10 (v0.10), Arlon CLI provides an init command to install "itself" on a management cluster. This command performs a basic setup of argocd(if needed) and arlon controller.